An intimate private coaching experience for the ambitious woman ready to ELEVATE her life & biz so she can become happier, healthier, & wealthier.

Are you a high level, ambitious woman ready to ELEVATE your life & biz so you can turn your EXTRAordinary dreams into your reality?

Get in, Queen! We're getting HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, & WEALTHIER but in TOTAL alignment with YOU and how you want to LIVE and FEEL every day.

I see you.
You have worked hard to get to where you are now. You have already crafted a good life and success.
You LOVE the work you do and your business,

you feel pretty good financially, 

and your relationships mostly make you happy.

However, there is a persistent feeling that continues to linger, that life could be even BETTER. Truly MAGICAL, and you WANT that.

But, the "busy-ness" of life, a maxed-out capacity, and FEAR of burn out are holding you back from making it happen.

But, here's the thing: your next level in life AND your business does NOT require MORE of you.
It requires a new LEVEL of you.
It requires you to do things different.
And what THAT requires, is for you to have NEW beliefs.
An ELEVATED mindset and energy.
An ELEVATED way of OPERATING and moving through life.

Get in, Queen!

We're getting HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, & WEALTHIER. It's time to watch your vision board come to life, WITHOUT burning out and losing yourself in the process.

I'm ready for RESULTS!

What clients are saying...


Well where do I even start?!? This past 6 months with court was LIFE CHANGING🎉 I'm so glad I decided to get a life coach, it was on my mind for at-least 8 months prior. DO IT, don't wait! It's so worth it. I went from not believing I could run a business to I AM CRUSHING goals in my business, I set MAJOR goals with her back in April. I honestly never thought I would be this successful so quickly. SELF LOVE and believing in yourself is the key! She is absolutely amazing. Mindset leads to success. Setting them boundaries! Thanks to her for pushing me on the hard days. I MANIFESTED my goals and here I am crushing them daily. The hustle never stops. Making my goals a priority. I started off with no clientele back in January now I'm VERY busy! Thanks for the push and believing in me that I could do it. I wouldn't be as far if it wasn't for your support ❤️❤️ I AM SO GRATEFUL that you were apart of my life journey and giving me that push I needed! You helped my business KARM YXE grow in so many ways! Can't wait to see where I am in 6 months from now. Much love, Court 😍🥰



Courtney is an INCREDIBLE life coach, to say the very
least. It has changed my life. SERIOUSLY. Read on. I was drawn to Courtney, her book recommendations and free offerings and guidance via Instagram for a long while. Truthfully, I didn't know exactly WHY I needed life coaching when I dove in, but what I did know was that: - I felt a lot of resistance and "stuck" - I had good habits but wasn't implementing strategies and new ideas fully - I was subconsciously self-sabotaging myself but could [not] pin point how/what/why/where in my life it stemmed from - I felt unhappiness & disgruntledness in my work, relationships, in my leisure, finances etc. I couldn't figure out why I felt this "pull" for more, when I lived an overall AWESOME life. Courtney helped me look at my life overall. Asked me better questions than I ever asked myself. Posed honest truths. Held space and accountability for me. Allowed me an outlet to be honest, express myself and hear my wants and desires out loud. Now, life coaching is a two way street. If you choose to be COACHABLE, entirely committed to YOURSELF, speak your full authentic TRUTH, implement ACTION you will be successful.

What would it feel like to...

  • Finally break free from what's holding you back from watching your vision board become your reality.
  • Cultivate deep and nurturing relationships that envelope you with love, security and unwavering support.
  • Watch your business not just thrive, but conquer new realms, with LESS time and energy.
  • Become a time management mastermind and skyrocket your productivity in LESS time WITHOUT burning out. Only to create more spaciousness in your schedule for things you LOVE.
  • Break free from your back and forth health and wellness goals and finally feel that radiance and confidence you DESERVE.
  • Watch your life become EXTRAordinary. We're not just talking about BIG trips and luxury hand bags. We're talking making your life FEEL extraordinary in the EVERYDAY. In the small moments, because that's TRULY where life is lived, Queen.
I'm so ready for this!


I'm Coach Court!

Listen closely, Queen, for I once stood EXACTLY where you are now and I get it. 

Years ago, I found myself visualizing and journalling about the life I longed to have - a life that I am now living. I vividly envisioned the fulfilling work I GET to do each day, a schedule crafted by my own desires. I saw the money in my bank account, the love that surrounds me, and the precious family I have built.

I dreamed of owning my own home, a place I could proudly call my own. A symbol for me of my independence, especially as a woman.

But let me share a secret with you, friend. 

Once, all of this was JUST a vision, a distant dream floating around in the realm of possibilities.

I often wondered if it could ACTUALLY happen for "someone like me". Just a regular girl, from a small town many people had never heard of. Who was I to decide I was meant for more, right?

Year after year, I set goals and adorned fluffy vision boards with the same aspirations. I trudged through a job that left me miserable, pouring my soul into a schedule where I came home feeling burnt out and wondering, "is this all there is?". All to have nothing to show in my bank account.
It felt like NOTHING was working and I was always climbing an uphill battle in life.

I wanted so badly to wake up to a life that felt fulfilling, inspiring, purposeful and abundant. A life that would have me question, "Is this REALLY my life?".

I got tired of dreaming about it, thinking about it, wishing for it, and I began to create it.

I stepped into my power and began my journey towards true transformation. 

Today, nearly a decade later I stand in awe of the life I get to embrace. Slow mornings with coffee and my favourite book or journal to start the day. Wandering the world, creating memories in breathtaking places, with more adventures on the horizon. Staying home with my son, being able to watch him grow instead of rushing home every day from my 9-5, only to feed him supper and put him to bed on repeat. 

And yes, I bought my OWN house.

But my heart truly overflows every day because I have found my calling. I get to ignite a spark in women's lives, every day. I watch them show up for themselves, feel next level empowerment, and live a life that sets their soul on fire. 

I did, and still do all of this, with my signature method, the CONNECT.SHIFT.MOVE. method. 

The perfect blend of the 'woo' and the 'work', for you to create magic in your life.

Are you ready for YOUR elevation, Queen?



See what others are saying…

what's included:

6 Months of 1:1 Coaching

Imagine, 6 months, you and me, intimately working together through a proven method and tools to transform yourself and life into everything you want.

If you take the leap on yourself, where could you be just 6 months from now?

12 Private Coaching Calls
($3500 value)

2, 45 minute video coaching calls every month. 

Something isn't working for you anymore, or you wouldn't be on this page. This is where we figure out WHY that's not working, and step into what IS going to work for you to tap into your Queen self and start achieving your biggest goals. Trust me when I say you will leave every call feeling LIT up.

Talk and Text Support
($3000 value)

The deep work happens on the coaching calls and then in between you get to have me in your back pocket for talk and text support for integration and accountability.

Let’s keep that momentum going, shall we?

Life happens and I will be there for you through every step of the way when it does. 


The Queen's Club Membership - $500 BONUS

FREE for 6 months, while you are working with me 1:1, for additional support, resources, and community.

In the Queen's Club, you'll find your tribe - a powerful sisterhood of like-minded women, striving for greatness, unapologetically. Together, we'll cut through the noise and embrace your true self, as you craft a life that aligns with your innermost desires.

TOTAL VALUE of private coaching is $7K!

(but don't worry, you wont pay that!)

Using my signature method

 you will unleash your inner QUEEN confidence & energy so you can go from where you are to where you want to be.
It's time to break down the barriers and choose yourself.

you are one decision away from changing your life...




  • 6 month intimate private coaching experience
  • 12 private coaching calls
  • Voxer talk & text support in between calls
  • $500 bonus 6 months inside the Queen's Club membership for additional support, resources, and community.
  • $500 discount when paid in full*


$833+GST/ month


  • 6 month intimate private coaching experience
  • 12 private coaching calls
  • Voxer talk & text support in between calls
  • $500 bonus 6 months inside the Queen's Club membership for additional support, resources, and community.